PUNCH When Mr. Punch, the classic cantankerous puppet, decides to get involved in politics, just about anything can (and does) happen. This free-wheeling show combines traditional characters, classic comedy bits, the news of the day, and many surprise guests. By the end of the show, Mr. Punch learns the hard way (and the audience learns the fun way) the importance of the electoral process. VOTE FOR MR. PUNCH is
created by Adam Gertsacov, a well known Rhode Island artist.
Adam is the most educated clown in America, (barring certain
elected officials) He has taught and performed
professionally throughout the world for the last 15 years.
Adam is a Rhode Island Arts-in-Education roster artist. Adam
is also the official Clown Laureate of Greenbelt,
Maryland. VOTE FOR MR. PUNCH will be available in the summer of 2004 right up through the election (and beyond) It is supported in part by a grant from the Rhode Island State Council On The Arts (RISCA) NEFA touring grants are also available to bring this show to your audiences. |